Anglicko-český slovník

dog (noun) - pes (pejsek)
United Kingdom: [dɒɡ]
United States: [dɔːɡ]
Příklady použití:
  • The dog was the only domesticated animal.
  • Dogs, horses, and cows are all vertebrates.
  • His primary predilection among animal is a dog.
  • Dogs swill blood rapaciously from the wounded animals.
  • The swimmer then grabs onto the dog, and the animal tows the swimmer to shore.
  • Nosy, being an old dog by now, dies in the attempt to save her friend.
  • A whelp is a young wolf, dog or other animal, and also an impudent youth.
  • Martin Clunes is to narrate a scientific examination of dog behaviour and the animal's relationship with humans in a documentary.
  • They spellbound a dog.
  • Her dog is a thoroughbred unlike other mixed dogs.